About this Service

Internal Control Review ("ICR") for Companies intending to go for Listing

  • We conduct comprehensive reviews of internal control, corporate governance, and risk management practices
  • Our team evaluates the effectiveness of existing internal control systems, identifies areas of potential risk and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements
  • We provide practical recommendations and strategies to enhance internal controls, strengthen corporate governance frameworks, and mitigate risks, enabling our clients to operate with greater confidence and efficiency

Outsourced Internal Audit ("IA") Function for Public Listed Companies

  • Our internal audit services are tailored specifically for public listed companies.
  • We conduct independent and objective assessments of internal processes, controls, and financial reporting systems.
  • Our team identifies areas of improvement, propose improvement measures, and ensures compliance with legal and regulatory obligations.
  • We provide comprehensive internal audit reports, highlighting findings, recommendations, and insights to support management in managing business and enhancing operational efficiency